You read the news about Pope Francis washing detainees' feet and you think:
a. First he declines the mozzetta, and now he washes female feet. Antipope!
b. I find this troubling, but I bet Jimmy Akin has a good explanation.
c. Unexpected but beautiful. In the interest of charity, I'd better stay away from the WDTPRS comboxes until this drops off the front page.
d. The pope does not need my instructions on how to celebrate Holy Thursday Mass.
e. This year, clean feet; next year, ordination, baby!
You are filling the kids' Easter baskets on Good Friday and you are so hungry. A square of Dove chocolate makes its way into your hands. You:
a. Resist temptation steadfastly, so busy fixing your eyes on Jesus that you can't even see to unwrap that sucker
b. Find this scenario totally implausible, because your kids' Easter baskets only include chocolates handcrafted by nuns.
c. Unwrap it and sniff it. Wonder if you can coax a priest into hearing your confession today because whoa, the concupiscence!
d. Eat it, figuring it can be one of your two small meals. That's why the wrapper's purple, right? For Lent? Or wait! Hold it in your mouth until it melts. Then it's a liquid and totally okay. So okay that perhaps you should have another. Wouldn't want to get dehydrated, you know.
e. Eat it.
Item #1: Your calendar tells you it's Good Friday. Item #2: Your chart tells you it's Peak + 4. You:
a. Wait until after after you've attended the Vigil with your whole family. You've been abstaining since Mardi Gras anyway.
b. Wait until Saturday morning, offering it up for the sanctification of the world, because Fridays in Lent call for many kinds of fasting.
c. Go for it on Friday night, but make sure to wear the violet nightgown for that penitential touch.
d. Have a William S. Burroughs-influenced* "lunch" date on Friday. (*This refers only to matters sartorial, not pharmaceutical.)
e. Peak + 4? Is that a brand of mountaineering equipment?
You wake up early on Holy Saturday. You:
a. Kneel beside your bed and use your hour of quiet to pray 20 decades of the rosary, remembering the Blessed Mother's pierced heart. If you have extra time, you'll review the vigil readings in preparation for the big event.
b. Bundle up the food you'll be cooking for Easter dinner and take it to the church to be blessed.
c. Go to the kitchen and set up a fun Holy Saturday baking project for the kids to enjoy when they wake up.
d. Go for a long run, intermittently contemplating the sufferings of Christ as you huff and puff.
e. Roll over and go back to sleep like a sensible person.
You love to use a fine paintbrush for decorating eggs. Your Holy Saturday efforts include:
a. Some of the best snippets from that awesome ancient homily*
b. No egg-painting, because your pysanky have been ready for a week already
c. A black egg emblazoned, "Don't rejoice today -- it's still Lent. Also, back away from the Peeps."
d. Eggs with slightly catawampus exhortations to " Shout Alleluia" and "Praise the Lord, all you nations"
e. Bunny decals with captions that say "Hippity Hoppity."
*I am mostly being silly with the (a) options, but I am very fond of that homily.
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