Hello out there -- it's been a long time. I have been working a lot of hours. Just a speedy update from the Gladly house:
- I have pinkeye. I also have on hand a great remedy for pinkeye, the fast free non-irritating age-old remedy also known as human milk, but this is the first time I've ever tried to treat my own pinkeye. I need a lesson from Elastigirl on how to get the source closer to the target.
- I often think it'd be useful to have Elastigirl's talents. I'll have to keep practicing.
- I've been having this weird Christmas letter anxiety. I've mentioned the blog in my Christmas letter for the past few years, but I never know who's actually thinking, "Hm, maybe I'll check out Jamie's blog." This year I've been having this weird impulse to make my blog more like my Christmas letter, full of good cheer and funny kid stories and a slightly sanitized version of my real life (nothing dishonest, just with some of the rough spots airbrushed out), but there is a reason I only write one Christmas letter a year vs. a hundred-ish blog posts. Anyway, if any random uncles or pastors have stopped by the blog today to be greeted with the image of Jamie squirting herself in the eye with a freakishly elastic appendage containing warm body fluid -- um, welcome? Nice to see you here?
- If it were up to me I would be horizontal right now, with a nighttime dose of pinkeye remedy doing its mighty mighty microbe-smiting, but I have to pick up my oldest from a school dance at 11. I am entertaining thoughts of making the trip in my hot pink fleece pajamas and my green fleece robe, but I think I'll tough it out and stay dressed.
- My oldest? Has a learner's permit. And shaved today. I took him driving around the school parking lot one evening and he said it was a lot like a video game. Which alarms me.
- The grammar police are going to string me up by my thumbs for producing that previous paragraph, which contains four sentence fragments and only one actual sentence.
- Hey, maybe that will advance my Elastigirl skills!
- The Behold conference is four weeks from today and I am so looking forward to it. Who else is going?
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