The first day of class was so much fun. I walked home on a puffy cloud, thinking, "I was born to do this."
I'd been feeling pretty nervous about the next two lectures, the one for today and the one for Monday of next week, because they cover a lot of material that I hadn't looked at in a while -- 1994 was the last time I studied some of it. I'd say today was a qualified success. I finished up my slides and answered their questions more quickly than planned; I kept them for 65 minutes instead of 75. They probably weren't complaining about that.
Today I walked home feeling discouraged about how crazy-much time I put into that lecture, wondering how I could possibly sustain that -- expand it, really, since it didn't get me all the way through my allotted time. Part of the problem was that I got excited 40 minutes in when it looked like my pacing was right on target. And what did I do because I was excited? I sped up.
It's going to take me some time to find my voice. Left to my own devices, I speak quickly and quietly. If I'm going to give a talk, I like to pack in lots of food for thought. For lectures, though, slower and louder will be a must. It feels unnatural. It feels like I'm trying to be Garrison Keillor when I'm usually the anti-Garrison Keillor. But hey, a lot of people like to listen to Garrison Keillor.
My husband took three of the kids to the bookstore while two of them were at another activity, so I had a quiet house in which to work this evening. (Huzzah for Elwood! Much appreciated.)
I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to answer all of their questions. I'd been thinking about graceful responses to questions I couldn't answer, ways to say "I'll get back to you" without saying "....uuummmmmm...." as a panicked look spread across my face. I have a couple of minor points to clarify on Monday (I should have said that the diencephalon includes instead of consists of, since I was only talking about a couple of its structures and not giving an exhaustive list).
Anyway, I survived the first week -- the fun lecture and the scary lecture. I like my students. I'm excited. I'm nervous. I'm exhausted. See you later.
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