We were talking about nursery rhymes in the van and Pete said, "What's the last line of this one? Mistress Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow? With silver bells, and taco shells, and...?"
I said, "You know, actually, it's cockle shells. People don't usually have taco shells in their gardens."
Quick as a wink he said, "Yeah, people don't have silver bells in their gardens either, so what's wrong with taco shells?"
I think his mental image of her garden is probably pretty different from the illustration in my childhood Mother Goose book.
In the same car trip one of his older brothers cracked me up. I wish I could tell you about the conversation that led up to his saying, "If you took away my computer privileges I'd wither away into a pile of dust. And ichor." But alas, he's less willing to have his funny stuff posted on the web.
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