O citizens of Forest Park, rejoice: you can breathe easy now. Your city manager has set you free from that most monstrous of menaces, that most dastardly of desperados, that most egregious of evildoers: those mothers of older nurslings.
No longer will they skulk in the alleyways, awaiting an opportunity to corrupt the youth and distress the elderly. No more will they watch eagerly for the chance to unleash mischief while twirling their mustachios. Wait. I mean, twirling their pistachios. Wait. Never mind about that part.
Yes, citizens, you must STAND UP for decency, STAND UP against public nudity, and this means, inevitably, that you must BAN Victoria's Secret stores. Wait. No. It means that you must BAN a quiet, peaceable, and utterly normal process which is none of your concern and which is also legally protected in your state, because clearly, the good of the municipality requires it.
P.S. I have written more seriously about older nurslings and public breastfeeding in the past, if you are looking for a response other than derision.
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