- This has been the busiest work week I've had since I started my job in August. I was working on reviewing a manuscript (submitted today!), revising an article that's due in two weeks (not done), and analyzing data for a conference presentation early next month (so so so not done). I've been working more hours than usual, but it feels good to be making progress. I have so much freedom in my job that it's easy to drift. Deadlines are good.
- However. Between the deadlines and the Toddler Who Never Sleeps (sung to the tune of New York, New York: she wants to be a part of it...), I feel like I've been running hard. I tell you what: this little girl is the worst sleeper I've encountered yet, and none of my boys were what people think of as good sleepers. With the boy who used to be the champion sleep depriver, before his sister dethroned him with her spectacular feats of sleeplessness, I remember trying to console myself. I would say to myself, "You know, of all the things a kid could be bad at, sleeping's not the worst choice." These days-- I mean, yeah, I know technically that's a true statement but I'm not finding much consolation therein. The two of them are just wired a little differently: they seem to be missing the thing that says, "When it's dark outside, then we sleep." Stella's been waking up most nights -- suddenly going SPROING! AWAKE AWAKE AWAKE NOW! -- somewhere between 1 and 4. If it's in the early part of that window she'll re-settle eventually. If it's toward the later part, she may well be up for the day. It's been painful
- Huh, I might need the Seven Lengthy Laments round-up instead of Seven Quick Takes.
- I am trying: institution of bedtime snack in case she's waking up hungry, dark towels over the bedroom window, and elimination of chocolate from her diet and mine. Chocolate seems like a long shot but I've already eliminated caffeine from my coffee and she surely does act like somebody slipped her a stimulant. It started right after Easter so the timing is right for it to be chocolate. Of course I am as boring as possible in the middle of the night -- no lights, no games, nothing but boring singing and boring rocking and boring nursing and boring resting in bed or crib. Any ideas for me?
- Do you remember a few months ago when I posted about an unexpected insight in the Adoration chapel? It's happened twice more since then: a flash of wisdom that is clearly not my own thought, once about a marriage issue and once about a work issue. Pretty cool and much appreciated.
- Don't forget that the Baby Surprise Jacket knit-along starts Sunday! I have hardly touched my knitting needles this week because I have been working in the evenings, but I'm looking forward to a work-free Sunday in which there will be knitting.
- When my family asks me what I'd like for Mother's Day I always tell them I'd like to have a picnic together at the nature center. It never seems to work out the way I envision it. Maybe this year? We'll see.
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