Pete spent some time laboring over a note to me this afternoon. "You're not looking, are you, Mom?" he asked anytime I came near. He wanted me to wait until it was finished. This is what he wrote:
I love you
if you rnt to bisee
if you dot mide if
you crd get me
sum flowrs then
I would dig sum
Of course I dot mide, sweetie. Who could be to bisee to say yes to a request like that? I think we'll be putting in some petunias tomorrow, yucky weather notwithstanding.
As if that weren't enough sweetness for one day, do you know what he said to me on his way upstairs? He was trying to get me to come up while he brushed his teeth, and I was trying to finish...something I've forgotten now. He came over and hugged me, and he said, "I love you so much that touching you is like touching Jesus."
Oh OH I want to be the mother that little guy deserves.
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