As the internet is my witness, I am not buying Angry Birds. I have the free Angry Birds, and the free Angry Birds Seasons, and the free Angry Birds Rio. My latent obsessive streak is surfacing, and it's not pretty. It's not enough to beat all the levels; I want to get a three-star score on every level.
I do this occasionally with computer games: in college it was Tetris and in about 2003 it was Super Methane Brothers. (My kids love to watch a parent play Super Methane Brothers. In a world where video games have 3D graphics and scary-realistic CGI characters, their favorite is a clunky game from 1993. I think I like it that way.)
Today I got an email from the associate chair of the department here in town where I'd love love LOVE to get a job. She asked me to do a guest lecture for her in June, one I've done versions of multiple times before. OH I hope I can do a good job with it. Isn't it cool that she wants me to come talk to her class? I'm excited, and already a little nervous.
I am finally uploading a picture of my finished sweater. The pattern is available now (Rav link) if you are itching to make one of your own. (You know you want to!) I am almost entirely pleased with it. The front edges tend to curl, a problem I expect I could remedy with another couple of garter ridges in the edging, but the thought of re-doing the font-of-crazy picot bind-off leaves me a little weak in the knees. If a masked gunman appeared and said, "Quick! Redo the picot bind-off or I'll shoot!" --well, I'd need a little time to think about my options.
April's play will be Cymbeline, I've decided. Jody expressed some interest in reading along -- anybody else? It's more fun to read Shakespeare if you can chat about it with someone else.
Sunday Night Strategizing turned into Monday Night Strategizing this week, but I've got a post up here. I keep waiting for the spring energy burst to hit me, but so far I'm just getting smacked in the face with waves of lethargy. It's supposed to be sunny and warm later this week, which might be just the thing to perk up my spring-loving self. We shall see. I do not think I will find hidden stores of energy if I stay up any later, so I will wish you a peaceful night. Back soon.
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