It's so easy to decide to make plans, and harder to follow through. I'm going to try to keep posting about my resolutions for 2011 so they don't just vanish into the swamp of good intentions gone awry. My resolutions post is here if you're curious.
I'm hanging in there on the sugar front and doing terribly with the running. I've started having hip pain with running, and I think I need to schedule an appointment with my doctor to talk about the risks of arthritis (my redheaded grandmother, who seems to have shared many of her genes with me, had crippling arthritis in her hips that led to bilateral hip replacement by the time she was in her early sixties and almost three decades of immobility afterward -- not a path I want to head down) versus the benefits of weight-bearing exercise (I have some risk factors for osteoporosis) coupled with the benefits of exercise that I actually accomplish. I mean, I think about heading out for a bike ride or going for a swim or hitting the elliptical, but running is the only form of exercise that I actually show up for consistently. Hm, perhaps I should add that to my SNS list for the week.
I'm on track with Mass attendance, though it still seems a little weird to count it. I guess finding a way to track it is part of how you build a habit. I took a break from SNS posts but am getting back into that groove. I have just made an executive decision that this week will be an MMS (Monday Morning Strategizing) kind of week, in the interest of getting to bed at a reasonable hour.
The Crazy Shakespeare Project is not going too badly, though I lost some momentum when January ended. I roped the Reading for Believers ladies into reading The Winter's Tale with me, which was fun. Anybody up for an April Shakespeare play? I'm thinking about Cymbeline or Two Gentlemen of Verona.
OH, I find it hard to stay off the computer for the afternoon/evening. That transition from quiet into loudloudloud is a hard one. I guess that's the point of this exercise, to be honest about where I need a kick in the pants. And I've been faithful about getting off the computer by 11, but 10:30 would be better.
All right! Second quarter, here we come.
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