My 5yo and I play a game. He gets himself all armored up with an assortment of items from the costume chest. He strides up to me and asks, "Any emenies?" "Oh, dear, yes," I say. "There's a terrible troll in the office closet. I've been wishing I could get in there because I need my other coat, but he's a very scary guy." Pete marches off, sword at the ready, and comes back a few minutes later to tell me the troll has been dispatched. Next I send him down to the basement, where there might be a wicked centaur hiding under the steps. We have a terrible problem with one-eyed giants in the downstairs shower, but luckily Pete keeps them under control.
I've been meaning to blog about our game for a while, because I know it will fade away sooner or later. Yesterday Pete walked up to me while I was trying to finish the Office of Readings. "Any emenies?" he wanted to know. "Why don't you ask Alex?" I said. "I'll be done in a few minutes here."
Alex was reading in the next room, but he was happy to play along. "Up in my closet," he told Pete, "there is an evil tentacled beast. I need you to cut off all his tentacles and bring them to me as sushi."
Pete was happy to oblige, hurtling down the steps a few minutes later with an imaginary plate balanced in his hands. "Here's your shusi!" he announced.
Most knights are just knights. At our house, they moonlight as sushi chefs.
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