Oh my goodness, I am feeling like I have a million zillion things to do. Got to eat the elephant one bite at a time, I guess. This week's menu:
Elephant saute (prayer)
- Transfer notes from spiritual direction to a more permanent home
- Each day, spend some of the baby's naptime with my journal
- Start the St. Andrew novena
Elephant fricassee (person)
- Climb wearily back on the no sugar/moderate exercise wagon after the Thanksgiving revel
- Take some time to work on a post to be called Lilies in November, even though it's unlikely to surface before December
- Start this year's Shakespeare play (and perhaps blog about the Shakespeare project, which has been less successful than the Dickens project)
Poached elephant (parent)
- Figure out a manger/straw thing
- Look for a Nativity set that the little kids can play with
- Tenaciously push away stress-related snappishness with the kids. Approach Advent prayer with reverence and patience, not with the bad cop hat on.
- Read faithfully to the three youngest. Listen faithfully to the big guys. (Well, I should listen to everybody, but I'm going to concentrate especially on the big guys.)
Braised elephant (provider - home)
- Clean house
- Balance checkbook
- Figure out end-of-year financial stuff
Elephant tartare (provider - work)
- Prepare for thesis committee meeting
- Submit article review to journal editor
- Set nose to grindstone in multivariate book, to get it finished by December 31
- Pin down co-author about what needs to happen before article submission, even if it means feeling pushy
- Test vocab tool on a batch of new transcripts
Gingered elephant (Christmas)
- Mail out Christmas cards
- Make a Christmas pudding
- Get those Snapfish calendars made without swearing
- Prepare packages for mailing
- Seize the opportunity tomorrow to buy a specially priced gift before the offer expires
It's been fun to see a few other SNS posts. Hope it's helpful for those of you who have tried it! If you might like to leave a comment with a link, I'd enjoy reading what you're up to this week as the crazy season descends. I mean, as we enter this season of wonder and waiting. Yeah.
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