Posting goals continues to be hugely motivating for me. I'm surprised, though I shouldn't be, that I'm learning more about setting good goals as I go along. For instance: I need to limit the number of things I resolve to work on every day. One or two of those and I'm fine. This week I think I had five of them, and five is too many. Another surprise-that-shouldn't-be-surprising is how much fun it is to work hard at something and get it done. If you haven't seen it, take a look at this New Yorker article on procrastination.
Verdict for this week: that skirt remains unseamed and the "every day I will..." stuff was a little raggedy. But the basement! You should see how much less disastrous the basement looks. It's positively non-scary now. (Notice I do not call it "tidy" or "attractive." "Non-ankle-breaking" is about as enthusiastic as I can be at this point.)
Up next:
- Try Lectio Divina again and get to a couple of weekday Masses. Get that Sacred Heart prayer learned.
- Plan a couple of runs and something social with a friend. Persevere on the sugar front (success this week, and the first week is the hardest!). Stick with the SAD light and the fish oil; 'tis the season to be squally.
- Finish Treasure Island. Post a white-board reminder about chore charts, and follow up with the kids at least every other day.
- At home: put in another 90 minutes in the basement over the course of the week. Figure out whether the washer fix is something I can do and call the repairman if it is beyond me. Try the lasagna layer thing in the garden.
- At work: submit a job application for next year. Run numbers for manuscript #2. Finish odds and ends for ms #1.
- For Christmas: order cards. Buy stamps. Start letter. Figure out extended family gifts and think about the December birthdays.
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