TO: my daughter
Sweetie, I know you are teething. I know your mouth hurts. But that biting pinching thing you have started doing when I nurse you? Has to stop pronto. Also, that thing last night with the waking up at 11 and being up past 1? Not a fan.
TO: my neighbor
Really? 6:40? You think it's a good idea to fire up a CHAINSAW at 6:40 in the morning? Guess what percentage of my children you woke up. Did you guess 100%? Because that's the right answer.
I wanted to come out and present an opposing point of view about civilized hours for chainsaw use, but I thought it might be unwise to confront a person wielding a chainsaw while sleep-deprived. [See above re: cranky toddler, up past 1.]
TO: my 8yo
Thank you for being kind to your crabby mama. Of all the things you could have said in response to my Tsunami of Grumpiness, that was about the nicest.
TO: St. Thomas More
I'm going to take your word for it when you say "I cannot mistrust the grace of God....His grace shall give me the strength to bear it patiently, and perhaps even gladly." It's pretty nifty that a letter you wrote to your daughter almost 500 years ago could speak to me this morning. Would appreciate your prayers for holy patience today.
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