One of the reasons I've been quiet lately is that I've been stewing. I have this long-haul prayer intention that I've mentioned here occasionally, and lately the situation has been making me crazy. Crazy crazy. I started a post about it that I called "My Little Pony," as a reminder to myself that I need to not be the little girl wailing to her father "But I neeeeeed a pony RIGHT NOW." If God is sovereign, and if God supplies our needs, then I need to trust his timing. My grace is sufficient for thee, and all that.
But I have to tell you-- I went back and re-read another post on the topic that I drafted in April of '09 (but never published), and I was a little shocked to see how much grimness had crept into my thinking. The waiting has sucked a lot of hope out of me.
Last night I dreamed that it was the beginning of Lent and I was deciding what to give up. In my dream the voice of God said to me, "Give up worrying about that pony." I said, "Really?" -- and oh, the peace that washed over me.
I am a worrier by nature and it is a worrying state of affairs in itself, but I am going to try it for forty days. I'd appreciate your prayers.
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