Yesterday I said that I was going to post my BIG list today. It's the first of May and I have a lot to do this month. This morning I was going to whomp the laundry and the paper clutter into shape, and work a little on my grant application and then throw a birthday party. Instead, last night I was felled by a GI thing. I woke up this morning feeling like the whompee and not the whomper. (Do you find that a GI thing leaves you aching the next day? Not just my abs, which did get an unaccustomed workout, but all over. The soles of my feet hurt.)
I tried to fold laundry, but even sitting down I couldn't keep at it. I rallied enough to lead birthday party games with a measure of enthusiasm (alterna-hopscotch: you have to jump over the squares with added fangs and fingers, or they will bite you/tickle you respectively). Now I am tired -- so tired that I'm having trouble spelling.
I am thinking that the timing is something I should attend to: perhaps I need to discern a little more carefully where I am planning to focus. I have a tendency to get overenthusiastic about the First Day of the Rest of Your Life business. I am thinking about Psalm 103:
As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on the faithful
For he knows how we are formed, remembers that we are dust
Our days are like the grass; like flowers of the field we blossom
The wind sweeps over us and we are gone.
Candor compels me to admit that I am also thinking about something much more shallow. One of the things I wanted to do in May was take off the first five pounds of this annoying extra weight I have been hauling around. And hey! Overnight success on that item. At least temporarily.
That's the whole trouble with change, isn't it? It's the temporary sort that's easy.
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