So I went to confession on Saturday and I talked to the priest about SLOTH. Selective sloth, not all-around sloth, because I can be extremely disciplined about getting things done for school. It is specifically this business of running a home that brings out my inner Jabba the Hutt, who wants to loll about and have people do her dirty work.
Which makes me suspect that my problem is sloth with a side of vanity. People act impressed about my finishing a dissertation with five kids. I would be impressed with myself if I could manage to keep the laundry folded for two months. Just imagine: sixty days in which no one ever had to look through the clean laundry on the guest bed for matching socks. I liked writing a dissertation. It was hard and a little scary and it took a long time, but I really liked doing it. I don't like pairing socks.
Lately I have been thinking about Linda Hirshman, who wrote sniffily about the tasks of at-home motherhood: "They do not require a great intellect, they are not honored and they do not involve risks and the rewards that risk brings." And you know, she's right. Up to a point. As I've written before, Hirshman and I disagree about what's fundamentally important: I believe that it is more important to do the work in front of me lovingly than to seek out work based on its status or remunerative potential. I believe that the laundry is part of my path to heaven: a form of service to my family that will teach them the importance of doing necessary work cheerfully and diligently.
Unfortunately, I'm not doing so well with the diligently part.
Joshilyn Jackson was just writing about how keeping a tidy home doesn't come naturally to her and it made me say ME TOO ME TOO. Left to my own devices I am not a very tidy person. I am also rather absent-minded. (EXAMPLE: Three weeks ago my MIL was here watching the littles while I revised my dissertation. Pete was playing with his older brother's Buckyballs, throwing them at the baby. I got up, my brain still mostly occupied with chapter 4, and stashed the Buckyballs in a Super Secret Hiding Place which WILL NOT reveal its whereabouts to me. Where did I stuff them? Where where WHERE?)
Where am I going with this? I don't really know. The priest reminded me that it's important to pray for grace to live out my vocation, that God supplies abundant grace when we ask. My tendency is to think I should just be able to plow through it because it's only laundry. Maybe I'll start there and report back. You have not because you ask not, somebody I love once said.
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