I was trying to write a post about the whole messy issue of staying home with small children, but that's not a post I want to dash off. Instead I will offer two cute Pete stories and keep nibbling at the other post.
A couple of weeks ago Pete and Stella and I went out together on Wednesday. He goes to preschool four mornings a week, but Wednesdays we spend the whole day together. We walked downtown and played on the big indoor climbing frame, and then we had potato-leek soup at the Irish pub across the street. He was turning his crayons over in his hand while we waited for our soup. "Mom," he said, "you know about army blue?"
"...Army blue?" As in the Union army? I couldn't think of what army blue might be.
"You know," he said, "that blue that almost looks like black?"
"Ooohhhh, you mean navy blue!" Navy blue. Of course.
We have a stack of Bill Peet books that my father bought when Alex was two. I have read them an uncountable number of times to the four boys. Two of the books, Big Bad Bruce and The Whingdingdilly, feature a witch character. Until Sunday, not one of my boys had ever noticed that these two witches have exactly the same voice: screechy and loud and accented, like the Wicked Witch of the Western Part of Kentucky. On Sunday Pete stopped me in the middle of Big Bad Bruce. I could hear the light bulb moment in his voice. "Hey!" he said. "This witch looks almost like that witch! Maybe they live in the same woods! Maybe they are friends!"
He is the very cutest 4yo I know.
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