Remember the matchy-matchy mother-daughter sweaters I was making? The baby sweater was easy -- ten days' worth of stolen moments. (I mostly knit in stolen moments. One of my friends was asking me how I managed to get any knitting done and that's the answer. I knit while I'm reading to the kids. I knit while I'm waiting in the van. I knit during many conversations, though I try to be sensitive to the both the intensity of the topic and the complexity of the project, so I don't say, "What's that? You were telling me something about your collapsing marriage but I didn't catch the details because I couldn't remember if I was supposed to do a cable 4 right or a twist 3 left." Chatty coffee at a friend's house? I can work discreetly on a plain vanilla sock.)
The adult sweater took a lot longer and it began to exasperate me. I had had this vision of the two of us with our red hair, wearing our matching sweaters under the autumn leaves. But it took longer than expected to get the wool order in at the yarn shop, and since I finished Stella's sweater almost all the leaves have fallen, and her hair, which was precisely the color of mine in early August, has now gone mostly blonde.
But! I finished my sweater tonight, despite my exasperation. Instead of writing you a real post, I'm going to block it. Pictures soon. :-)
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