From my husband, as I attempted to wheedle him into coming over and dispatching the beetle (a nasty black creepy-crawly beetle) I had trapped under my book: "You've been through childbirth five times and you can't handle a bug?"
From my 7yo: "I'm heading outside. Hold all my calls."
It cracks me up when my children drop Calvin & Hobbes quotes into conversation like that. The funniest one ever was when my oldest son (come to think of it, he was 7 at the time) asked me casually if he could have plastic surgery. "What kind of plastic surgery?" I asked him.
Deadpan, he said, "I'd like to have a third eye implanted in the middle of my forehead."
Equally deadpan, I handed him the yellow pages and said, "Why don't you look and see if there are any listings for doctors who specialize in that?" Then I stepped into the next room and laughed so hard I had to lean on the wall to keep from falling over.
I have noticed that people tend to have one of two reactions to this story. Either they think it's hilarious, or they think it's ghastly. You won't hurt my feelings if you belong to the latter group. If it makes you laugh, I'll have to see if I can dig up the picture of Alex at Christmas that year, wearing his gift from my aunt (who found it hilarious and wanted to help).
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