Hershey bar: Hey, Captain, looking for a good time?
HB: You look like you've been running that ship a long time, Captain. Shall we dally?
HB, meltingly: It's awfully lonesome here in the refrigerator. Can't you bring a girl out where it's warm?
WP, wavering: Maybe there's no harm in succouring a lady in distress.
HB, inwardly: I'll show you suckering...
It occurs to me that if I am imagining a candy bar thinking devious thoughts, there might be something hallucinogenic in my salads. It could be. I've been eating a whole lot of salads. Scale was down 4 pounds this morning, though, in spite of last night's indiscretion, so I see more salad in my future. (That's probably a blip -- I'm betting it will be back up by a pound or two tomorrow. But still, progress.)
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