- This summer I am leading an online discussion of Kimberly Hahn's book Graced and Gifted. It has inspired me to implement some new habits to help our home run more smoothly this summer, but I am tired after this first week of it. I am also tired because Pete is out of preschool and missing his friends. He does not think -- just imagine! -- that coding transcripts is much fun to watch, and so I have been working after all the kids are asleep. Sarah the babysitter is here this morning to play with him and hold the baby and I am grateful for an extra pair of hands. I'm writing these quick takes in between coding tasks.
- Remember the horrible painful syntax analysis that prompted me to ask for help? After the guy said he'd be glad to help me (still can't quite believe he's going to do all that work for me), I figured out the problems that had prevented me from using the better software. It would have seemed like a much, much more manageable task if I'd been using this software from the get-go. I think my frustration was providential, because I would never have asked for help if I hadn't been so overwhelmed. A helpful reminder for me, to remember that God is at work in the midst of my exasperation.
- Barring disaster, I will be done with data collection in two weeks. Done! With data collection! In two weeks!! It has been a long slog, but the end is in sight.
- We've been praying the novena to the Holy Spirit, which I've enjoyed a lot. The boys, not so much. I am looking for some flame-themed fun ideas to celebrate Pentecost -- any thoughts?
- This is the last full day of school -- two of the boys are supposed to go back for an hour next week to collect their report cards. What's up with that, anyway? Does it allow them to fulfill a state requirement for days attended or something?
- Most of my perennials came back up and I have been enjoying them. The weeds, though! The weeds are relentless this year after I let them take over the joint last summer. I need to get out there this weekend and yank them out again. Wonder if the boys would help me if I encouraged them to be Indiana Jones hacking through the jungle?
- Speaking of which, remember how the boys sing the Indiana Jones theme song to comfort the baby if she wails in the car? This morning she was singing to herself in her carseat and I said, "Pete, what song do you think she's singing?" He answered instantly: "Probably the Indiana Jones theme song." I was going to post a picture of Pete in his Indiana Jones hat with his Indiana Jones whip (fabric, plays the theme song) at the ready. But I hit a snag copying the pictures from the card reader, so you will just have to use your imagination.
More quick takes here.
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