I've been doing better with wasting time on the computer. I've been taking breaks to play between batches of transcripts, but not really getting sucked in. For years, some kind of restriction on my use of the computer has featured prominently in my Lenten plan, but I thought to myself, "Self, you don't seem to need that this Lent. You're doing all right on that front, self."
Last night was poker night and I don't even want to KNOW how many games of Scramble I played while Elwood was gone. (Looking at YOU, Tracy, a.k.a. the Scramble Pusher. Watch out for her, kids, if she's hanging around your schoolyard (or Facebook page) with her addictive substances.) I was up past midnight and am tired and cranky today. And for what?
For nothing.
Constant vigilance, that's what Mad-Eye always said. I may not have a nifty circumbobulating eye (that is totally a word -- I decree it so) that will let me see what's coming from behind, like sneak attacks of Scramble Pushers. But I can do better than that. I think I need a separate plan for evenings when my husband isn't going to be here, because it's easy to find myself squelching through the mire of sloth when I'm on my own at night.
No more squelching! From now on I will be clunk-clunk-clunking, like my pal Mad-Eye. Even if I have two legs, I can give him a run for his money on the crazy hair.
Off to fill my hip flask with more coffee. (And PS, I do not actually hold Tracy responsible for my addictive tendencies.)
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