- Baby is a month old today! She needs a blog name, but I can't use the same formula I used for her brothers. I have both a SIL and a friend with the name that the formula yields, and it just doesn't fit my baby. I'm a little stumped about this.
- We're adjusting pretty well here. I am awfully tired by the end of the day, but I'm hanging in there. The laundry is clean (I am typing this with the steam from a load of drying diapers blowing outside) and even folded, and I'm good to go with dinner tonight. Last night I was settling Pete down for the night and thinking about dinner. "Something meatless," I thought, "since it will be Friday. Maybe I'll start some slow-rising bread tonight. And what can I do with a big package of shredded cheese? Hmm." I went downstairs and Elwood told me that the pal who was picking him up for poker was bringing us some cheese calzones for a future dinner -- a bready cheesy thing that required no effort whatsoever on my part. Much appreciated.
- Tomorrow I must deal with the paper. It breeds in the dark when I am not looking, I am persuaded. Perhaps if I leave the dining room light on at night I will not have quite so much of it to deal with? The thank-you notes are mostly written but they need addresses and stamps. The bills are mostly caught up for the moment but they will not stay that way. Blech, paper clutter. Makes me wish for a secretary.
- My oldest is going on the Klondike campout this weekend. Unlike Tracy's son, Alex is looking at single-digit nighttime temps and a high of 11 tomorrow. Brrrr. I love camping, but camping in the snow makes me very grumpy.
- I have finished morpheme analysis for 25 of the 301 transcripts. I am going to hit 10% tonight, by golly. (Summer's comment about morphemes made me laugh out loud.)
- To earn my stipend this semester I am a long-distance TA for a class of first-year master's students. I am responsible for online discussions, and the first question went up on Wednesday. It was not a success. They thought it was too hard, with too many parts. The professor was unruffled by their complaints. We're supposed to challenge them, she says. But I was hoping they would find it both interesting and fun, so I'm a little bummed about their response.
- Facebook could be totally addictive. I am deterred from spending time there in part by some drama between two friends from high school (I don't want him to see me logged in and bug me about her). Well, by that and my will of iron. (Do you see me rolling my eyes at myself there?)
P.S. I am reading this over and it sounds kind of gloomy. I am only the littlest bit gloomy. I should go to bed early tonight to stave off the gloomies, however, even if it means I don't hit the 10% mark until tomorrow.
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