This afternoon I sent off version 3.0 of chapter 1 to my advisor, having worked out the thorny organizational issue that had vexed me for weeks. I picked up Petely at preschool and we went to vote. I had brought along a big fat book in anticipation of lines out the door, but we were in and out in no time flat.
We walked down to the hospital so I could pre-register, and I am still enjoying the memory of the sunshine and the sense of relief. This election season has been getting me down, and I'm glad it's over.
When my third son was gestating, he spent the first part of his last month in utero bouncing all around. I was a giant stressball about the whole thing. What if my water broke while he was transverse and his umbilical cord prolapsed? (Never mind that my water has never broken before 9cm.) When baby was breech at my last prenatal visit two weeks ago I said, "Oh, I learned my lesson about this with Joe. She'll turn when she's ready and I can't do much about it."
I was serene for all of five days, and then I was done being serene. I wanted this baby to turn head down now. My doctor is willing to do an external version, but those aren't risk-free. Plus, he'd want to do it at 37 weeks and my prelim is scheduled for 38w4d. I don't want to be one of those women whose baby gets distressed after a version and needs to be delivered immediately, primarily because I don't want to put the baby in distress but secondarily because I'd hate to have to reschedule the prelim. So I am taking matters into my own hands, with a little help from Pete. (I think the stairs are more comfortable than the ironing board.) As of tonight, baby seems to be transverse. That's progress, right?
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