Joe is a packrat. Don't throw away that crumpled piece of paper with catsup smudges -- it is a Precious Memento. Artwork must be saved or there are tears. In general I try to accommodate him (or be very surreptitious in my culling -- I've been burned before when I tossed something into a white trash bag and it showed through), but sometimes a person has to draw the line.
Last night he got a sandwich bag and announced that henceforth he was going to save all his toenail clippings in it. (No, really, I'm not making it up.) Later on I was tucking him in and he said, "Wait! I need my bag!" I assured him that there was really no need to sleep with his toenail clippings, that they would be fine without him overnight.
He said, "No, you don't understand. I just pulled off a little piece of toenail and I'm afraid I'll lose it forever if I don't put it in the bag right now."
And wouldn't that be a tragedy?
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