...don't sweat it. Take the propranolol every day if I want to. He's not worried at all, not in the slightest, about a 10mg dose.
My interim plan is to take it just on the days when I want to run. I'll go back in a couple of weeks for a prenatal, and I'll time the medication so I've got the maximum dose circulating at my appointment time. If the baby's heart is blipping along at 150 bpm, then I won't worry about fetal bradycardia. Even though the doctor's not concerned, I'd just like to make sure.
I don't think I'll go back to the cardiologist unless my arrhythmia gets worse. (It may; I had an episode late in my pregnancy with Pete that was more intense and slower to resolve than anything since then.) From his perspective, my diagnosis is so not a big deal -- benign, easily managed with low-dose medication, just an annoyance that makes me glad to live in the 21st century.
Phew! Thanks for the advice, everybody!
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