April is kicking my butt, y'all.
Pete has chickenpox. His doctor was kind of a jerk about it. As in, I almost cried in his office this morning. I was biting back tears. Ugh, embarrassing to remember.
Shingles: 80% of the way back to normal; still hurting intermittently. Now I have a cold, complete with wicked headache and ooky eyes.
Major revision is proceeding at the pace of molasses in April (an unpleasantly cold and windy Midwestern April, which is to say, not fast enough), though I did get through one section that has been making my head hurt for a long time. No, a sub-section, really. Not even a section.
Communion banner, due at 6:20 tonight, is about 25% done. Taxes are untouched.
My mother turned 60 this week and I sent her...a text message. How's that for discharge of filial duties? I have a plan but just have not executed it yet.
Blogging is not going to get me any further forward on any of these things, I know. Maybe I will go right now and take care of the birthday delinquency. Prayers, kind words, good jokes or funny YouTube links (short ones, 'cause I don't need any help procrastinating) would be much appreciated, because I am kind of a weepy mess today.
Oh, dear, poxy Pete is driving his riding toy through the articles I had strewn on the floor around the computer during naptime. Damage control time.
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