I called the doctor's office today to see if they would give me a prescription for Premesis, because after a week in which I thought, "This nausea isn't too bad. I can function like this," my inner Emeril decided to kick it up a notch and I have had a green and wobbly couple of days. Premesis is not a miracle cure but I have found that it cuts my nausea by about 30% -- enough to let me be vertical and not couchbound.
Anyway, the nurse had some questions for me and then said "...schedule screenings blah blah blah advanced maternal age..."
I know I just went on and on about my aged eggs, but it's a different thing entirely when a stranger calls them my aged eggs. Whippersnapper.
I'm going to focus on the advanced part. Advanced is good, right? Everybody likes to be advanced. Better than beginner any day of the week.
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