Hey, guess what I just did? We drove to the cathedral on a drizzly gray afternoon to attend a two-hour Mass followed by a nearly three-hour banquet with four kids in tow. And we all had a good time, too.
When we were newly married we met a priest who became a friend. He has baptized three of our four children; he heard the first confession of the fourth (who is actually the first but you know what I mean, right?) and presided over his first Holy Communion. Today he was named a monsignor and we went to see him in his spiffy new soutane.
We saw a bunch of old friends -- some we hadn't seen in more than ten years. We saw a tiny new baby and exclaimed over how big all the other kids were getting to be. The bishop stood up at the end of the banquet and said, "I prepared a long talk on the ecclesiology of St. Theodore Mumblewumble [might have been a real name but you couldn't prove it by me], but I'm not going to give that talk. Drive safely: watch out for the deer and watch out for the cops. And may almighty God bless you." A plenary indulgence was offered to those in attendance at the Mass, so if I should die before I wake, I'll pray for you all, friends. :-)
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