I am leaving tomorrow and I am a little sad about it. I'm going to a huge convention in a wonderful city, and I'm giving an hour-long talk on a subject I find fascinating, and I'm really not sure the whole thing is a good idea. I've never been away from Petely overnight before and I am afraid he will be sad. It's only one night, right?
I am also a little worried about mean people coming to my talk: people who want to demonstrate that they know more about the topic than I do, or people who think I am pushing a particular political agenda, or people who are some kind of mean I haven't thought of. This morning's reading was Shadrach et al. in the fiery furnace, and I've been thinking about them all day. (The drama queen strikes again.)
Anyway, I didn't sit down here to whine. I sat down to tell you that I just asked Elwood, "Do you have any fashion advice for me? What should I wear?" Most people would have worked this out some time ago, I realize, but I have been stumped by the shoe issue. If I am taking public transportation, I need good walking shoes. Do my good walking shoes go with any of my favorite dressy clothes? They do not. Should I wear impractical shoes and take a taxi? This offends my frugal Scottish soul. Should I take extra shoes? That would violate the Parsimonious Packing Principle.
You see my dilemma.
At this moment I am wearing a dark orange shirt with mint green pajama pants. I wanted to wash the pants I wore today, but I was busy and distracted and didn't put on a pajama top. I clash violently. You would need to shield your eyes to be in this room with me. Elwood, however, looked me up and down when I asked him to put on his fashion consultant hat. "Wear anything," he said. "Wear what you're wearing."
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