I am so tired. I was up in the night with a puking toddler, but I wanted to get a few things done before bed. My advisor was expecting some revisions from me. I have some new data for my stats project and I couldn't go to bed without plugging in the numbers to see if my hypotheses seem plausible. (And, huzzah, they do.)
Anyway, I went into the kitchen and shook my head at the mess. I figured I would just put away the cranberry sauce (I've been trying to get a jump on Thanksgiving since we're hosting) and not sweat the dishes tonight. I decided I wouldn't even transfer the cranberry sauce into a storage container; it could go into the fridge in the saucepan. I picked up the lid thinking, "Hm, why is there orangey splatter on the inside of the lid? The sauce wasn't really bubbling and it wasn't orange either."
I'm glad I looked before I clapped the lid on. The orange spot was a sluggish little ladybug. Wouldn't that have been a festive addition to the cranberry sauce?
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