Everyone around me is complaining about the change in daylight saving time, but I love it. I love it love it love it love it. It makes my soul sing and my appreciatively sniffing nose twitch like the nose of an eager bunny in a salad bar. It says, Spring! The winter is past the rains are over and gone --all in one enthusiastic burst of run-on-iness.
I am eating just a leetle ice cream because it is Sunday and Elwood P. brought home some very delicious toffee ice cream with a caramel ribbon and those tiny chocolate cups with caramel filling. Yum. Perhaps the sudden inrush of sugar has gone to my head. Perhaps I should go eat the rest so it doesn't tempt me during the week, yes?
Probably not.
Anyway, my seminar project is just about ready to go -- I need to do some last-minute tidying tomorrow morning and send it off. I started my job at last (delay caused by scheduling problems with the first family on my caseload + bureaucratic state gov't hassles with a change in my paperwork) and I'm excited. Tomorrow I will also need to see if I remember how to dictate an evaluation report. Here's hoping it's like riding a bicycle and not like throwing a bowling ball. Though maybe if I had ever really learned to bowl I would not find it so painful to pick up a bowling ball again. ANYWAY.
Huh, wonder if there is a bad blog writing award that pays attention to things like starting and ending the same paragraph with anyway, a word (an adverb? anyway is an adverb, yes? must be) used to obscure the sad realities of incoherent sentences and unwillingness to bother with transitions. I suppose someone looking for bad blog writing could find lots and lots of things to keep her busy besides anyway abuses.
All right, friends (first typed that as "frineds" -- who's got a good definition for a frined? sounds to me like some kind of Middle Earth creature), I am taking my slightly spazzed-out self (this is the flip side of SAD, see; the spring sunlight revs me right up) off the computer. Gute Nacht.
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