In just a few minutes I will go to bed. We decorated the tree this afternoon; the paper clutter is gone from the dining room. The three younger boys are sleeping upstairs while Alex and Elwood P. are at Mass. I wanted to put up a quick post, so that anybody stopping by tomorrow would find something cheerier than my last effort.
I cantored at Mass this morning and we ended with "Soon and Very Soon." I found myself unexpectedly emotional on the last verse: "No more dying there -- we are going to see the King." One of the things I love about the Catholic celebration of Christmas is its emphasis on looking forward: we remember Bethlehem in anticipation of the King's return, when the world will know that "his dominion is an everlasting dominion."
Tonight I am thinking about some blog pals: I am drinking tea from a Scrabble mug Blest sent me last December. I've never yet played Scrabble with Blest, but I use this mug every morning. Moxie sent me a CD of Christmas music, and I have it playing quietly here tonight. Rachel, whose comments I always enjoy, sent me a package from Israel earlier this month. It's not here yet, Rachel, but watching for it has brightened my December.
My favorite piece of blog-related Christmas mail came from Arwen, who enclosed a copy of this lovely picture. Arwen and I first connected in the fall of '04 and it was a delight to receive her daughter's picture. I thought, "You don't have any idea who I am, but I've been praying for you for a long time, little girl." It reminded me of God's faithfulness and of his goodness, and of the verse from 2 Corinthians that says something like, "All the promises of God are yes in Christ Jesus."
Amen to that. And good night to you, and a merry Christmas too.
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