The early part of this semester was smooth sailing, but I am heading upwind with flapping sails just now. I dream about school every night. "This used to be interesting," said my project director when she made an appearance in a recent dream about my literature review, "but you've gone on too long now." (Anxious, much? She is way too tactful for that, but my unconscious apparently doesn't think so.) My first waking thought yesterday was inspired by my stats project: "Planned comparisons! I can do planned comparisons instead of post-hoc testing for more statistical power!"
I have a revision of a brief stats assignment due tomorrow -- that's finished, at least -- and two larger assignments due on Thursday. I told my project director I'd have the next draft of my lit review to her on Friday. I have my stats final next Tuesday and the meeting with my project director on Wednesday. I'll get her edits incorporated and turned around by Friday, so I can be done for the semester.
Then I will have a margarita. :-) A large one, with salt. Mmmm.
Also this week: feast of St. Nicholas, which we mark with stockings and little gifts, and Elwood P.'s birthday. I'm most of the way there on gifts but not quiiiite ready for either day. Also the Nativity set is still in the basement even though I had good intentions of bringing it up today.
This is boring, I know. I needed a quick break because I'm tired of looking at my projects, so please pardon the boring. If I'm not around much, you know where I'll be: wasting away in un-Margaritaville.
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