Would you believe not one Scout showed up for last night's den meeting? In vain did I hacksaw. The weird thing is that I got no calls, no emails, nothing saying, "We can't make it" from any of the other six sets of parents. I had to check my sent-mail folder to see if my reminder email had expressed my true feelings on Tuesday — along the lines of, "I wouldn't mind if you blew off Friday's den meeting, because seven six-year-olds in one living room equals more chaos than I have the energy to handle right now." It did not. Hmph.
Perhaps I will take my pieces of PVC pipe and turn them into a most attractive necklace, akin to a pasta necklace only without the irritating pokiness of penne or macaroni's exasperating tendency to break up into sharp little bits that inevitably make their way into one's bra. Or perhaps I'll try to figure out how to recycle this month's craft to fit next month's theme.
Thoughts of PVC pipe necklaces (the pieces have a trompe l'oeil rigatoni appearance) led me to thoughts of CafePress T-shirts like the one Blest devised. (Still working on a slogan.) Unfortunately, a few minutes of noodling around (hee hee) with The Gimp and a line drawing of a piece of pasta aren't going to do the trick tonight, and I need to wash dishes and read about F-tests.
Oddly enough, I sat down to write about funeral planning. If not for LoBloPoFo, I would have put this post out of its misery instead of hitting save. Maybe tomorrow will be a better blogging day.
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