We've been eating lots of beans here in the Gladly house lately. I've been trying to stick with a weekly blueprint for meals, and the current version has me cooking beans on Tuesday and Friday. We'll see how long it is before the crew mutinies against this leguminous bounty, but I've been having good luck serving leftover beans if I do something creative with them. The remainder of last Friday's black bean soup was mixed with leftover canned tomatoes and some chili spices and then baked under cornbread. They ate it right up.
Tuesday's lentil-cheese bake (okay, okay -- I know it sounds dreadful) was not greeted with shouts of acclaim. "I could take the boys to McDonald's," said my husband who hates McDonald's. I was trying to think of a way to disguise it for dinner tonight. Hm, I thought, maybe teeny Groucho Marx glasses for each individual lentil.
I opted for baking sweet potatoes and suggesting that they be cut open and eaten with a scoop of lentil-cheese bake inside, under a blob of sour cream because sour cream covers a multitude of sins, like love only with more saturated fat. This meant that two boys ate sweet potatoes with sour cream, one boy protested loudly because he was prevented from eating sour cream out of the carton with a spoon, and one boy ate lentils and cheese with no sweet potato. I think I'll be eating the remaining lentil-cheese bake until I can't face it any longer. Perhaps I should print out a copy of this paragraph and tape it next to that recipe in More With Less.
Amid the periprandial frenzy, I found a fundraising flyer from the school. They would like us to buy electric candle warmers at $22 per. The school keeps a whopping $2 of that $22. Do candles get cold, can we infer? Who knew?
Harrumphingly, I tossed the flyer. Why can't they sell something useful, I wondered to myself, like tiny Groucho Marx glasses for leftover lentils?
Brilliant, yes? I'll be waiting for the CEO of the candle warmer company to come knocking on my door now. Any day, I'm sure.
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