At 3:30 on Wednesday morning I said to myself, "This is more likely to be a fever than an hourlong hot flash." The thermometer confirmed my suspicions. Often I dither about whether I'm really sick enough to cancel my classes, but there was no doubt in mind: I was not going to work.
I took a COVID test, which was instantly positive. I was optimistic I would bounce back quickly, since I've had COVID once (and all the boosters), but I've been sicker than I thought I'd be. I still had a fever yesterday, so I canceled class again. I've never canceled two days of classes in a row before, not in all the time I've been at Gladlyville U.
Stella and I are both getting better, but Elwood seems a little sicker today. Here's hoping we're all healthy again soon.
It's admissions season at work, and I have an inflexible deadline on Monday. So I spent a lot of hours working from my couch, even though that would not have been my first choice. Finally, though, the initial round of admissions stuff is done. Let us hope I was able to be reasonably consistent in my COVID-addled state.
I was thinking yesterday about how much I hated making recorded materials during the acute phase of the pandemic, and how glad I am to have them now. When I do have to cancel class, I can often just pull materials from 2020-21 and my students can learn the content at their convenience. It's not a fabulous substitute for meeting in person, but it's an adequate substitute if used sparingly. For the class I wasn't teaching during the pandemic I improvised some substitute activities on Friday. I'm not entirely sure how the students will do with them, but I guess we'll see.
I hope you are staying healthy and warm.
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